Sleepers Players Sitters Pushers
Singapore is a modern, sophisticated, and mostly affluent metropolis whose population enjoys the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle.
However, people can be found in the heart of this city that have very simple habits. Some just sit and relax around the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and the nearby Kreta Ayer Square in Chinatown. Others play Xianqi (also known as Chinese chess) often gathering around them a small group of onlookers. A few are happy to take a nap in spite of their often awkward sleeping arrangements and the confusion surrounding them. Many are retired or elderly men, some apparently not well off. People can also be seen, both in Chinatown and in other communities, pushing carts loaded with cardboard and various items for recycling, a useful activity that supplements their income.
The photographs of this gallery capture a few of these less known but characteristic members of the Singaporean society.