In shape (or close to)
Although the landmark buildings of Singapore receive much more recognition, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) blocks are arguably the unsung architectural heroes of this city-state and its most important constructions. Much of Singapore's resident population lives in the flats of these multi-story houses.
Over the years these have evolved from the bare initial types to the most recent ones in the style of private condominiums. In between these are characteristic HDB blocks, mostly developed in the 1990s, embellished by simple architectural decorations in the form of shaped patterns or holes, often in the walls of passageways. In due time these HDB blocks will be demolished to give way to the new types which, sadly, forgo such ornamental features.
The photographs in this gallery were made between 2015 and 2017 to document the geometrical decorations of some distinctive HDB blocks enlivened by the presence of people framed within or close to them.